Stuart is smiling and standing in front of the feeling at home interactive board.

Launch of the Feeling at Home checklist and toolkit – final event

It’s here – the launch of the Feeling at Home checklist and toolkit launch!

After 3 brilliant years, the Feeling at Home project ended in December 2023. So please do join us for our final event from 12.30pm to 2pm on the 17th June 2024, when we launch the Feeling at Home checklist and toolkit.

In this online event, we will

  • talk about how we did photovoice and participatory research
  • reflect on what we have learnt about homes for people with learning disabilities
  • hear from our co-researchers and members of our advisory groups
  • and – of course – share the co-produced Feeling at Home checklist and toolkit!

If you would like to join us, register for free on our Feeling at Home checklist and toolkit launch Eventbrite page.

Contact Deborah on if you have any questions,
or to let us know how we can make the Zoom event accessible for you.

Everyone welcome!

sticker says 'relaxing music in the bedroom'

Slide showing what is in the toolkit.


Lots of colourful post-it notes with handwritten comments, for example, Music! Snuggling on the couch, I like my home to be quiet. There are also some stickers mixed in with the post-it notes of things you might find around the home. For example, a bath tub, a sofa, some plants.

Our final feedback event coming soon…

The Feeling at Home study is sadly coming to an end in December this year. But we would love you to join us for an online feedback event in the next few months.

We will send out more details soon!

Contact Katy on if you have any questions.

photo of man with speech bubble saying 'it makes me happy to have my own space where I can play music, eat nice food and not have to deal with bossy people'

Lots of colourful post-it notes with handwritten comments, for example, Music! Snuggling on the couch, I like my home to be quiet. There are also some stickers mixed in with the post-it notes of things you might find around the home. For example, a bath tub, a sofa, some plants.

The London Eye big wheel from below against blue sky with white clouds

Photovoice workshop: Living, working, and studying in the city

Join us for a photography workshop to share experiences of the city, using photovoice research methods.

The London Eye big wheel from below against blue sky with white clouds

How do city life and city spaces make you feel?

Does living, working, or studying in the city help you find your joy?

Or make you feel sick?

Together we will learn about photovoice and explore the local area with our cameras. We will then use our photos to think about how the city makes us feel, and how we can share this feeling with others.

Sign up via the workshop Eventbrite page here.

This event is part of the ESRC Festival of Social Science at King’s College London.


Photo by Radu Ioan Iancu on Unsplash

Two shopping trolleys, one purple and one pink next to each other on a wooden floor.

Photovoice webinar: free, practical session using participatory photography

Join Dr Deborah Chinn in a practical online workshop on photovoice – the participatory photography method we have used in our project to understand how people with learning disabilities living in group homes feel about their home.

The session runs from 6pm to 7.30pm on Wednesday 18th October. It will be a chance to try out photovoice activities, discuss the benefits and challenges of using this method, and hear about the impact photovoice has had on the project.

To book a free place, please visit the webinar Eventbrite page.

Any questions, please get in touch.


This online workshop is run in collaboration with the wonderful Ffotogallery in Cardiff, as part of the Feeling at Home pop-up exhibition held at the gallery from 11 to the 21 October 2023. This is the last opportunity to see the exhibition in person, so if you live in Cardiff or south Wales, we would love you to visit!

photo of man with speech bubble saying 'it makes me happy to have my own space where I can play music, eat nice food and not have to deal with bossy people'

Free photography drop-in activities at the Hive, Shrewsbury

photo of man with speech bubble saying 'it makes me happy to have my own space where I can play music, eat nice food and not have to deal with bossy people'

On the final day of our Feeling at Home exhibition in Shrewsbury, we will be running a free drop-in session between 12.30pm and 4pm at the Hive gallery space.

It will be a chance for people to try out the photovoice method and to reflect on what helps them feel at home.

Everyone is welcome, but we would particularly like to encourage people affected by the issues highlighted in this exhibition.

For more information about the drop-in, please contact Katy Brickley on

Please note, the exhibition at the Hive will be open Tuesdays to Fridays, 10.00am – 4.30pm.

Slide showing what is in the toolkit.

Feeling at Home presenting at National ENRICH event

Dr Deborah Chinn will be presenting an update on the Feeling at Home project at the National ENRICH event on Monday 18 September 2023.

ENRICH is a programme that brings together care home staff, residents and their families with researchers. We have been working closely with care homes for people with learning disabilities through the ENRICH programme to test our Feeling at Home checklist and toolkit.

Deborah will be talking about our findings so far, and sharing some of the participants’ images with attendees.

We look forward to continuing to work with the ENRICH programme to share our final, user-tested resources in December 2023.

Slide showing what is in the toolkit.

a man on a laptop in a Zoom meeting

Feeling at Home photovoice online workshop at the 2023 Research Methods e-festival

The Feeling at Home research team will be running an online workshop on photovoice at the ESRC National Centre for Research Method’s e-festival on Wednesday 8 November 2023, 3 – 5pm.

Our workshop is called An experiential workshop on photovoice: participatory action research using photography with marginalized groups.

In our practical workshop we will learn about photovoice by joining together to conduct our own photovoice mini-project to take us through the different stages of the photovoice method. We will also reflect on the theoretical background to photovoice, its current uses, and the advantages and pitfalls of this method, drawing on the Feeling at Home study, in which people with learning disabilities took photos about their home lives, and shared these with a variety of audiences.

Tickets for the festival are only £10, and will allow you to attend any of the 100 sessions running at the festival. Workshops are an additional £2.50. You can have a look through the programme and find out more on the 2023 Research Methods e-festival website.

There are only 30 places available in our workshop, so sign up soon if you are interested!

You will need to register separately for workshops using Whova which will be available from 9 October 2023 via the National Centre for Research Method’s website.

a man on a laptop in a Zoom meeting

Woman in purple t shirt holding up a camera in front of her face, and pointing it at the person taking this photo. The background is mostly browns and creams; there is a TV on behind her.

Feeling at Home exhibition at Ffotogallery, Cardiff, Wales

We are excited (and a bit sad) to be holding our final Feeling at Home exhibition in Wales, exhibiting the photographers’ images of home at Ffotogallery in Cardiff.

Our researchers worked with the 19 photographers with learning disabilities using the photovoice research method in which people tell their stories, share their experiences, and work towards improving their lives through photography.

We have thoroughly enjoyed sharing the images around the UK, in both galleries and conferences, and seeing how visitors respond to our participants’ images of home. This is the last opportunity to see the images in a gallery space, so come along to the beautiful Ffotogallery to see what our participants with learning disabilities wanted to share about their lives in group homes.

The exhibition runs from Wednesday 11 October to Saturday 21 October, 2023.

The exhibition is part of the Feeling at Home study, funded by the National Institute of Health and Care Research’s School for Social Care Research


In collaboration with Ffotogallery, Dr Deborah Chinn will be running a free, practical webinar on photovoice on Wednesday 18 October 2023.

Visit the webinar Eventbrite page for more information and to book a free place.

Woman in purple t shirt holding up a camera in front of her face, and pointing it at the person taking this photo. The background is mostly browns and creams; there is a TV on behind her.

Georgia is my best friend. I feel happy when I see her. It helps me to feel calm.

graphic of camera and Feeling at Home logo

Feeling at Home at the European Congress of Mental Health in Intellectual Disability in Finland

Feeling at Home research team members, Shalim Ali and Dr Tony Levitan, will be presenting at the European Congress of Mental Health in Intellectual Disability (EAMHID).

The conference is an opportunity for health professionals, researchers, and policymakers to meet and share experiences and knowledge with the goal of improving mental health for people with learning disabilities in Europe.

Tony and Shalim will be presenting on two different topics at the conference:

  • Photovoice and participatory research – making meaning with photographs
  • Making and unmaking home in group homes for people with intellectual disabilities

The conference takes place in Helsinki, Finland on Thursday 21 to the Saturday 23 September 2023.

In-person tickets have sold out, but you can still register to attend online. Visit the EAMHID registration page to find out more. To have a look through the fantastic range of talks, download the EAMHID conference programme.

New to photovoice? Visit our ‘What is photovoice?’ blog post for a quick introduction.

graphic of camera and Feeling at Home logo

gallery walls exhibition photos with 2 sofas in front, with colourful cushions

Feeling at Home exhibition at The Hive, Shrewsbury

After a brilliant exhibition at Science Gallery London in the spring, we are thrilled to announce that the Feeling at Home study will be holding its travelling exhibition at The Hive in Shrewsbury, from the Friday 1 September to Wednesday 4 October 2023.

This exhibition is part of the Feeling at Home research project, funded by the National Institute of Health and Care Research’s School for Social Care Research.

Our researchers worked with the 19 photographers with learning disabilities using the photovoice research method in which people tell their stories, share their experiences, and work towards improving their lives through photography.

gallery walls exhibition photos with 2 sofas in front, with colourful cushions

The photographers met with researchers and supporters in small groups to reflect on what helps them feel at home, and what gets in the way of this.

The photographers are pleased to present their work in this travelling exhibition, and invite you to engage with the issues they highlight through their images and captions.

Corridor wall with Feeling at Home introductory posters and 2 exhibited photographs and captions.

Free drop-in activities – Wednesday 4 October 2023

We will be running a free drop-in activity between 12.30 and 4pm at the exhibition space for people to try out the photovoice method and reflect on what helps them feel at home. Everyone is welcome at this engagement activity, but we would particularly like to encourage people affected by the issues highlighted in this exhibition.

For more information about the project or exhibition, please contact Katy Brickley on

Please note, the exhibition at the Hive will be open Tuesdays to Fridays, 10.00am – 4.30pm.