Our useful guide for the terminology used in our research and the wider field of disability issues.
A barrier is something that stops us doing something. For example, a barrier can be money or where someone lives.
Care Quality Commission (CQC)
The CQC checks the services people use. For example, they check care homes, social services and hospitals. They make sure people are looked after properly.
Communication is the way we give people information. It includes speaking and writing.
A community is a group of people living in the same area.
A complaint is when you tell a person or an organisation that you are unhappy about something. For example, about a service or the way someone treats you.
Consent means you agree to do something.
Easy Read
Easy read is a way of making information easier to understand for people with learning disabilities. It uses words and pictures together. Easy Read uses short sentences with one idea and one verb. Easy Read explains any difficult words.
A facilitator is someone who helps a group of people talk through things and work together.
Focus group
A focus group is a group of people with an interest in something. They meet to talk about certain issues or decide on an answer to a question.
A forum is a meeting where everyone can speak and share ideas.
The funder is the organisation that gives money to provide the service.
The government makes laws and policies. It is responsible for many issues, including health, education, culture, the environment and transport.
Group home
A group home is a place where people with complex health needs can live together. People living in group homes have support staff visit them and help them with daily tasks.
Housing adaptations
Housing adaptations are when things are done to a house to make it easier to live in
Independent means doing things for yourself and making your own decisions.
Information is about being told things that you need to know.
An intern is a student or trainee who works to get work experience. Sometimes interns are not paid for the work they do.
Investigate means looking into what happened.
Key Worker
Your key worker supports you to make plans to do things you enjoy.
A participant is someone who takes part in something. We use this work for people who are taking part in our research.
Participation means taking part and being involved in decisions.
Partners are other organisations who work with us – like community groups, charities, businesses and employers.
Reasonable Adjustments
Reasonable adjustments are changes that places and services can make to make sure everyone is able to use them. For example, giving people information in Easy Read.
Research is finding things out.
A researcher is someone who looks for new information about something. This helps people know more about it.
Research project
A research project is where people spend time collecting information to find out new things.
Resources are useful things we have or things we own. For example, information, money, staff.
Safeguarding means keeping people safe from harm and abuse.
Service providers
Service providers are the people who are paid to run services. For example, supported housing, community transport, and your local sports centre.
Social Care
Social Care is when people have support to live in their home. Social care can also mean day centres and social workers.
Social Care workers
Social care professionals are people like:
- social workers
- bosses of care homes for adults
- workers in a children’s home
Social Housing
Social housing is homes that are affordable to people with not much money.
Social services
Social services are any services that the government give people when they need help and support.
Tenancy Agreement
A tenancy agreement gives you rights as a tenant and tells you how to look after your home.