Entries by Katy Brickley

Feeling at Home presenting at National ENRICH event

Dr Deborah Chinn will be presenting an update on the Feeling at Home project at the National ENRICH event on Monday 18 September 2023. ENRICH is a programme that brings together care home staff, residents and their families with researchers. We have been working closely with care homes for people with learning disabilities through the […]

Feeling at Home photovoice online workshop at the 2023 Research Methods e-festival

The Feeling at Home research team will be running an online workshop on photovoice at the ESRC National Centre for Research Method’s e-festival on Wednesday 8 November 2023, 3 – 5pm. Our workshop is called An experiential workshop on photovoice: participatory action research using photography with marginalized groups. In our practical workshop we will learn about […]

Feeling at Home exhibition at Ffotogallery, Cardiff, Wales

We are excited (and a bit sad) to be holding our final Feeling at Home exhibition in Wales, exhibiting the photographers’ images of home at Ffotogallery in Cardiff. Our researchers worked with the 19 photographers with learning disabilities using the photovoice research method in which people tell their stories, share their experiences, and work towards improving their […]

Feeling at Home at the European Congress of Mental Health in Intellectual Disability in Finland

Feeling at Home research team members, Shalim Ali and Dr Tony Levitan, will be presenting at the European Congress of Mental Health in Intellectual Disability (EAMHID). The conference is an opportunity for health professionals, researchers, and policymakers to meet and share experiences and knowledge with the goal of improving mental health for people with learning […]

Feeling at Home exhibition at The Hive, Shrewsbury

After a brilliant exhibition at Science Gallery London in the spring, we are thrilled to announce that the Feeling at Home study will be holding its travelling exhibition at The Hive in Shrewsbury, from the Friday 1 September to Wednesday 4 October 2023. This exhibition is part of the Feeling at Home research project, funded by […]

Feeling at Home exhibition at Science Gallery London

We are excited to announce that the Feeling at Home project will be holding its exhibition next month in the Living Room, on the ground floor of Science Gallery London between 4th April and the 6th May 2023. The exhibition is part of the Feeling at Home research study, funded by the National Institute of […]

What we have learnt about home

In this blog, we would like to share the first look at our findings. We’ve read through the interviews, looked at the participants’ photos, and we’ve tried to write down the main things we’ve learnt. We’re calling these our insights. The things we’ve learnt have led to more questions about how staff can help people […]