Entries by Katy Brickley

Six things we learnt from our photovoice groups

Are you writing a proposal for a photovoice or participatory photography research project with people with learning disabilities? Or just about to begin data collection? We have now come to end of our photovoice focus groups. It has been a wonderful but, without a doubt, challenging experience… Through the photovoice groups, our participants explored what […]

Stu’s blog: my work with Feeling at Home

Stuart Leaney co-led the Brighton photovoice group, together with Tony Levitan, supporting our participants with learning disabilities to explore how they feel about their homes. Stu’s role as co-leader was really varied. He and Tony introduced the topic of homeliness through creative activities, supported people to talk about and describe images, and helped people to […]

Living Memories: a project by OpenStoryTellers

Long Stay in Mendip In thinking about our upcoming exhibition – a collection of photos of home-life by people with learning disabilities – we have recently revisited a wonderful project by OpenStoryTellers. A big thank you to them for sharing it with us. The Living Memories project included a film and exhibition where they collected […]

Feeling at Home exhibition launch!

We are delighted to invite you to the launch of the Feeling at Home exhibition—a collection of photographs taken by people with learning disabilities to share their experiences of home life. Date: Friday 16th September Venue: Phoenix Art Space in Brighton Time: 6-8pm Booking is advised as capacity is limited. To book, please visit our […]

Photovoice resource: Easy Read guide to using the camera

In our photovoice groups, we produce a number of resources to help us explain our project, methods, and activities to group members.  We found that producing this Easy Read style document about the cameras was really helpful. It reminded participants how to do certain things with the camera, and gave group leaders a simple resource […]

Disability arts online photovoice meeting

Would you like to hear about our work using photovoice with people with learning disabilities living in group homes? share ideas about using photography in participatory research and arts practice with people with learning disabilities? Please come to our upcoming online meeting. Date: 11 July 2022 Time:  11.00 to 12.30 We have been running photovoice […]

Would you like to take part in the Feeling at Home research project?

Our Feeling at Home project examines what helps adults with learning disabilities living together with other group home residents to feel at home where they live. We will use a participatory photography method called Photovoice. This makes it easier for people with learning disabilities to let us know through photos and captions what makes them […]

How is homeliness reflected in policy and guidance, Dr Deborah Chinn

At the Feeling at Home webinar on the 2nd November, Principal Investigator, Dr Deborah Chinn, discussed how ‘homeliness’ was reflected in policy and guidance. You can read her slides here: How is homeliness reflected in policy and guidance And watch a video of Dr Chinn’s presentation here on our Feeling at Home YouTube channel.